PPC Management: Google Advertising Online

Google Display Network:

This form of advertising allows clients to advertise on a number of partner websites and can be in video, image or text format. Google has resources where it shows graphical, Video and Flash ads based on cost per click or impression. Eminent Rankers will:

Carefully choose websites that are relevant to what you are selling and place those ads on them.
Write content that gives the information you want to promote in a persuasive way which will encourage users to click on the Ads.
Show those ads to the people that are likely to be most interested.
Manage and track your budget, campaigns and results as we go.

Google Adwords:

It is well known that Google has become the most powerful search engine of all times. Everyone uses Google for search inquiries. On the right hand side of the search results page, you will see the "Ads" Section which is called "Adwords" or "Sponsored Links" on the left hand side at the top. Eminent Rankers will:

Search for the most cost effective search terms that are being widely used.
Place your Ad on high results on Google's 1st page and make sure they appear whenever those terms are searched.
Optimize your Adwords Account and drastically increase your "Ad quality score" by: Choose relevant landing pages to your search terms, write search engine friendly descriptions in the Ads, increase your Click Through Ratio.

For more details, please visit our effective SEO packages page or contact us right away!
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- Eminent Rankers Owners