Reports & Market Researches

Online Market Research & Analysis:

Online marketing research is when companies use the Internet to gather data to evaluate how well a product or service is selling to consumers. The information provided by a careful market analysis conducted online can also identify popular trends that assist a company in creating a strategy which will get better results. This service is included in all packages for one reason, our ultimate and only goal is to get you "better results". Therefore, we will include the following in our research:

Search on major Keyword Search Tools for most popular search terms that describe your business. Identify your competition on the internet and gather as much data as possible (S.W.O.T Analysis).
Read most popular blogs related to your search terms. Blogs tend to move at a faster pace and be more informal in tone, so you're more likely to pick up conversation about a new product type or need on a blog than on a standard web site
Conduct Online Surveys & Questionnaires to help get more data and feedback. In all our Online Surveys, we take in consideration the following: The Shorter the Better, Avoid Open-Ended Questions & Patience!!

Service Reports & Statistics:

It's simple: You can not know where you are going, if you do not know where you are!! Eminent Rankers is here to help you grow your business, perioid. Therefore, we will AUTOMATICALLY send you 2 reports every month that are:

1. Detailed report that shows all the work we did in the past 30 days including how many posts we did and where did we post them.
2. Detailed report that shows the results of our work. The report will show "transparently" how did we improve your online presence.

For more details, please visit our effective SEO packages page or contact us right away!
Our client are part of our family. That’s why we are pretty selective when adding a new member.
- Eminent Rankers Owners